Zanti Kamala -- What it means…

Zanti Kamala, from Sanskrit, means peace or tranquility (“Zanti) and lotus flower (“Kamala”). This is the heart of what we desire for you, dear visitor, and for all: that your life may blossom in peace – like the miracle of the lotus flower, who’s blossoms arise from the muddy waters with roots secured below. 

Kamala, the lotus, is resilient, a reminder that even on really bad days it is possible to swing your legs over, place your feet on the floor, and face the day hoping to feel the warmth of the sun on your face. The lotus is associated with the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, fortune, love, beauty, joy, and prosperity. Lakshmi is usually depicted standing or sitting on a lotus pedestal, while holding a lotus in her hand, symbolizing an offering of good fortune, self-knowledge, and spiritual liberation. 

The word Zanti, pronounced “shan-tee” also has meanings of good fortune and felicity, and – like the lotus flower – is connected to the Goddess Lakshmi. Calmness, solace and tranquility, sturdy roots for beautiful unfolding, this is the heart and soul of Zanti Kamala.

Kim Tucker -- Who I am…
Welcome to Zanti Kamala 

As its founder and owner, I can attest to the possibility of rising out of the mud of life with the resilience of a lotus to find peace. I am a mother and grandmother, and in 2014 my life was changed forever when one of my children passed away. At only 24 years old my only son was taken in a car accident, leaving behind a little boy, my precious grandson who reminds us all so much of his dad. This tragedy set on a journey to find new directions and passions in life to heal and to honour the life and memory of my son.

I am also blessed with two daughters and three more grandchildren, my greatest gifts in the world! I adore my family, they are my greatest source of strength and happiness, as such they are part of Zanti Kamala on a deep level, even beyond their contribution to many of the organic products we have available.

My spiritual journey began when I was a child. I could see the dead and even communicate with them. As a kid, I didn’t know any different, I didn’t know that it wasn’t normal. When I was fifteen, my grandfather died. He came to talk to me that night before moving on, I can still remember it as clear as the day it happened 35 years ago. I didn’t know that he had died, my dad called me the following morning. This scared me, it was not something anyone talked about in my family, I had no clue what a medium was or anything else about this whole journey.

Things were always strange around me, however, footsteps, the inexplicably movement of items, drawers would close on their own and my door would lock itself. When my son was small, I could hear someone comforting him in his room and one of my daughter’s toys would turn on in the middle of the night long after we had gone to bed. It was a wind-up toy that would play for much longer than it had been wound up. I didn't uInderstand it, I shut down completely.

After my son’s death I could see a light orb. Strangely, the radio would only play my son’s songs, it completely freaked my ex-husband out. The next weekend, a music performer stood and played my son’s two favourite songs on guitar. The singer-guitar player told the audience he didn’t know why he felt drawn to play them but, “Those songs were for someone.”

A friend of mine who is a psychic medium, and can also see the light orbs of someone passed on, would often ask me “Kim, why aren’t you doing this work?” 

“I don’t know. It scares me!” I always replied.

Eventually, however, I did begin to do the work of mediumship. I started doing meditations, meeting my guides, helping the deceased pass on and practicing reiki. My gifts continued, and continue, to develop. Spirit speaks to me, to warn, advise or comfort me about things in my life. Recently, I had to put down a beloved animal, my 13-year-old Yorkshire Terrier, Kera. I was absolutely gutted to lose my best friend, physical therapist and comfort but I knew my son and my father-in-law would be waiting for her on the other side and this gave me peace.

Zanti Kamala 


In 2008, I had a massive stroke that left me with a severe left side neglect. I taught myself wire weaving as a therapy that enabled me to keep my dexterity and build new pathways in my brain. The stroke also caused me to develop a sensitivity to smells and chemicals, only natural products were bearable. In keeping with the theme of resilience and rising above that is central to Zanti Kamala, I joyfully offer our products, they are an alchemy of healing and hope. 

There is no greater energy healer or provider in the world than nature. I embrace the healing and energetic qualities of nature and seek to make products that encourage living naturally. I personally use all the products that I make and share them with you because of my passion for them. I love going out foraging and letting nature inspire and guide me. The energies of the world will speak if you are receptive to their message. Believe it or not, we have quite a few neat things in the Yukon and the views are to die for!

Zanti Kamala Services


Reading energy is part of my everyday life.

I read tarot cards as a story, and I listen to what I hear while reading from Spirit and from the guides or loved ones present. I use all of the “clairs” in each reading, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizant, etc.

I will not ask you for information to conduct your reading, only permission to read your energy and access the information available to you

Energy healing

I love learning new ways to heal, both for myself and other people. The more I see, the more I want to learn! 

I enjoy working with the energies of stones and crystals and I am always working closely with a stone or bead. I have a vast collection, so if you have a favorite just ask and we will work with it together.

I practice healing from the roots up, and my goal is to help you be strong and informed enough that you are able to regeneratively heal yourself.


In 2016, to help ease my mother-in-law's passing, I started on my Reiki journey. It felt natural to me, and I quickly learned to use it in everyday life. Becoming a Reiki Master, Animal Reiki Master and Crystal Reiki Master has been a great honour of my life. 

As a Reiki master, I cleanse all the stones that will be used in a session and then set intentions of peace, happiness, and vibrations for your highest good.

me and a few of the reasons I do what i do

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    just a few of the reaons i do what i do

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     Just a few of the reasons that i do what i do

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