Zanti kamala's belief is that to find greater energetic balance, there needs to be healing from the roots up.

to support this value, we carry a variety of products for your home, environment, body, mind and spirit.

energy is literally everywhere. your environment dictates how your energy feels. to support our belief, we carry dream catchers, energy sprays for air and furniture around you (which is a great smokeless option) and gemstone trees.

for your personal space, we offer crystal jewelry, essential oil blends, and salves.

all of this is intended to aid in our belief of healing from the roots up.

Shungite in Argentinium Sterling Silver triangle necklace and earring set

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UPC: 0.00
Brand: yes

I was thinking of the elements when this design came to me. I love working with Arentinium Sterling silver because it is stronger than "regular" sterling silver and it is TARNISH RESISTANT! Who doesn't want to own silver without the work of polishing it.

The ear wires are Argentinium Sterling silver as well and the chain is sterling silver. Shungite is carefully handwoven into these incredible little triangles, the earrings are in a mirror image of one another. Shungite is such a powerful stone and I love working with it.

This set is beautiful and so unique and would be a perfect addition to any wardrobe.



1.5 inches by 1.5 inches on a 22 inch sterling silver chain.


0.5 inches x 0.5 inches

The healing properties of Shungite have labeled it a miracle stone. Therefore, it is the one stone that everyone should have in their medicine bag, because of its ability to purify, charge, protect, cure, induce recovery, stabilize, heal and promote growth to all living organisms. Sonoran Dendritic Rhyolite is a beautiful stone with creamy caramel swirling with greens and browns softly. It is known as a stone of meditation, helping to release things from the past and to move forward, bringing the unresolved to completion.It helps light the fire of creativity in our souls.It helps with self-realization and balances emotions, increasing self-respect, self-worth and our capacity to love.Brings tranquility and to stimulate imagination.Also helps with eliminating worries, thus gaining insight into beneficial action, assists in reducing distress and depression, bringing a sense of wellbeing and bring mental clarity. Shungite is a stone with a strong connection to the Earth, which makes it a good aid for grounding. However, it not only opens and stimulates the Base Chakra, but it, also, triggers the opening and stimulation of the Earth Chakra. Therefore, it is not only a good grounding stone, but also is a strong aid for spiritual grounding. Shungite has a strong mystical energy. It will help anyone involved with magical and mystical practices. Its deep primordial energy embodies energies of ancient spirits, which come into play in a protective role during magical work. Shungite a great protector, a guardian and a body guard. It infuses the auric field with light, which shields the holder with a coat of black permitting only positive and beneficial rays to come through.

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